Today I want to share with you my books of the Bible charts!
I downloaded the colored books of the Bible here and they printed beautifully!
I love using black behind color. It looks so sharp and gives the subject an extra POP to draw one's attention to the subject.
I used 2 black poster boards and taped them together on the back with clear packing tape. Then cut long strips of green poster board to make the boarders and sections for each division.
I arranged the books in their divisions, trimmed and added the green poster strips along with the name of each division.
It takes and flat work surface, time, and patience as you check and recheck the arrangement before gluing.
I used regular Elmer's glue.
These posters are not laminated. (I opted not to risk the laminate coming up from the edges of the thicker strips, and too, sometimes there is a glare from the lights and all the students cannot see the images.)