Hello and Welcome!
Genesis 8:22
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease.
clouds clear... morning sunshine streams through...
Fresh air, moist lush green. Tree buds popping open.
Some flowering while others have a green haze upon their branches.
Ah, the evidence...spring.
As I watched several birds bathe in the puddles in our yard...
and a frisky squirrel on the tree jumping to the fence and back...
I commented to my husband how our back yard seems to be teaming with it.
It's all around us.
After the winter months of chill, I think every one of us welcomes the spring.
Getting out this time of year to see plant life poking up to say, "Hello" gives me a surge of excitement.
I love perennials.
You can pretty much count on them.
But then I'm always taken in by all those annuals for sale.
Oh the vibrant color!
How can one resist?
As I walked around the outside of our house I found that every one of my red begonias had sprouted. They came back! What a sweet surprise.
I imagine them full of color.

My Grandma loved begonias.
She showed me how you could take a cutting, put it in water and it over a period of time produce roots. In the right temperatures, she could just stick it in the ground and it would take root.
God's wonderful design.
If it has design it must have a Designer.
I remember my other Grandma having bunches of red geraniums on her porch.
Year-round color.
She always comes to mind when I see them. They take me right back to Grandma's house.
Saying our hello's and goodbyes surrounded by the fresh scent and vivid color... and maybe a hornet or two that snuck in, flying overhead with their legs hanging down. Didn't take them long to "come alive" in the warmer weather.
She always kept her fly swatter handy for the remedy.
She also had a big flower garden, my Grandma, right outside her back door with a flagpole that flew the United States Flag.
I loved it!
Sometimes she would cut flowers for us to take home.
Getting out this time of year to see plant life poking up to say, "Hello" gives me a surge of excitement.
I love perennials.
You can pretty much count on them.
But then I'm always taken in by all those annuals for sale.
Oh the vibrant color!
How can one resist?
So thankful to God for seasons and color!
As I walked around the outside of our house I found that every one of my red begonias had sprouted. They came back! What a sweet surprise.
I imagine them full of color.

My Grandma loved begonias.
She showed me how you could take a cutting, put it in water and it over a period of time produce roots. In the right temperatures, she could just stick it in the ground and it would take root.
God's wonderful design.
If it has design it must have a Designer.
I remember my other Grandma having bunches of red geraniums on her porch.
Year-round color.

Saying our hello's and goodbyes surrounded by the fresh scent and vivid color... and maybe a hornet or two that snuck in, flying overhead with their legs hanging down. Didn't take them long to "come alive" in the warmer weather.
She always kept her fly swatter handy for the remedy.
She also had a big flower garden, my Grandma, right outside her back door with a flagpole that flew the United States Flag.
I loved it!
Sometimes she would cut flowers for us to take home.
Both of my Grandmas had what is called a "green thumb".
Give them some earth and they could just about grow anything.
Give them some earth and they could just about grow anything.
These are some of the first things to make their presence known around here.
Sedum "Autumn Joy" (left) and Narcissus (right).
Sedum "Autumn Joy" (left) and Narcissus (right).
Notice the greenery of the Mums beginning to sprout.
Next, come the Iris, Tiger lily, Hosta and 4 o'clocks.
No worries.
I gave the bushes their first trim of the season, and thinned out some of the perennials, saying a small prayer of thanks to God for the ability to work in my own yard.
...having eyes to see, hears to hear, nose to smell, and hands to touch.

And speaking of ears to hear...
as I was winding up the hose I thought I heard the soft sound of newly hatched baby birds. As I silently came closer to the hanging basket it was confirmed.
We have baby birds in our basket!
It is a actually a fake plant (of all things) that I had hung outside last year, it stayed there all winter and now the birds have claimed it. Oh what fun this will be! Oh the joy of life! It's WONDERFUL!
God and His AMAZING creation.
Genesis 1, John 1:1-14, Psalm 102:25,
Psalm 148
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