
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Through the Years

Hello and Welcome!

Being A Bible Class Teacher!

Matthew 5:14-15
"You are the light of the world. 
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, 
but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 

When I think back over 30+ years of teaching children's Bible classes, my first teaching experiences, were really in need and want of so much. 
There was a need. 
I had a glimmer of desire and yes, my Bible, which is always the best place to begin, but so many questions raced through my mind...flickering that flame of desire...especially in the beginning. 
  • How do I begin to teach these young hearts? 
  • What is the best way of teaching these children?
  • What level of understanding do my students have about the Bible? 
  • What will interest them? 
  • What can I use for my visual aids? 
  • What kind of activity can we do that will reinforce the lesson? 
  • Do I even have paper for the activity?
I was hungry!
Hungry for knowledge and understanding of the Word and for some good ideas about how to bring this Word, God's Word to "life" for my students.

You have to understand, I come from the non-computer age! 
Unlike today, it was not as easy to find information, study helps, or even paper for that matter.  
I read the text, and as I read, I visualized it. Main characters, setting and so forth. 
Thankfully I was blessed with some vision and a little artistic ability.
Many stick figures and magazine pictures have been put to use for God's glory.

My Very First Teaching Experience

I had been asked to teach one little 4 year old boy. 
I and was happy to do so but was OH SO nervous! 

I wrote out a basic lesson plan to help me stay on track.
It looked something like this:  
  • Welcome
  • Prayer
  • Singing
  • Bible lesson
  • Take-home activity
Even with a lesson plan, you cannot just step into a classroom and expect it to all just happen, 

Preparation is KEY!!! 

I was learning so much from the prep and delivery of my lessons but was lacking in knowing what this particular age level really needed in order to be taught. 

It was a lot of trial and error. 

My Second Teaching Experience

My second teaching experience was the cradle roll class. 
The students ranged in age from 6 months to 2 years. Our youngest son was one of these students. 

What a joy it was to introduce him to God in this way at such a young age. (Matthew 19:14)

My visual aids were limited and had no funds for much at all in the way of buying or making the visual aids. We did our best and sang, sang, sang.

I remember saving 6x10 inch white card stock from inside women's stocking packages to glue or draw pictures on. I even made a flip chart out of some of them and still have it to this day, It was a lesson about God's creation of this world and everything in it.  

A great reminder of where I began and that there is always a way no matter how lacking things are.

What is that saying? 
"Keep on Keeping on!"
Well that is what I did. I kept trying!

I've known the lack and the abundance of having good visual aids. 

As time went on I was introduced to more and more Bible class resources. 

My desire was beginning to be fed. 

Here are a few teaching resources I was happy to add to my personal library. 

"Rays of Sonshine" books by Sherryl Jones and Donna Lawhon 

"Hooked on Imaginality" books by Beverly Scott and Jana Smith. (No longer in print)

A song/poem book by Mary Oler and even got her signature. 

"Mail Box Swap Shop" (No longer in print.) 

"Idea Shop" books by Gospel Advocate. (No longer in print.) 

I also kept my eyes open for any good pictures from newspapers and magazines to enlarge and develop into a bulletin board display. 

I Was Asked to Teach the 4th Grade

This is where I truly fell in love with teaching. 
My flame had grown stronger and brighter. 

One of my greatest joys was having our daughter in Bible class with many of her friends.  
There were about 12-13 students who attended this class. 

I remember how valuable a teacher's training series called T.A.T.T.S. (Tulsa Area Teacher Training Series) was for me during this time. It's here that I began to really "find my feet". 

I had the opportunity to listen to experienced teachers give advice on not only visual aids but also how to teach specific age groups! 

Different congregations of the area held Teacher Workshops. 
A team of ladies came in and had many displays and demonstrations of visual aids. We then were given copies of some of the things that had been demonstrated to add to our own supply. 

By this time our youngest son was in the 4th grade and it was a pleasure to have him in Bible class. There were about 13 of them! We did all kinds of extra devotionals together and service projects. Another lady with whom I co-taught had her daughter in the class as well. I thought we made a great team, and from time to time do still! 

Climbing the Ladder

I began to notice there were others who were interested in teaching the 4th-grade Bible class when I had taken an usually long break from teaching - a whole year!

When my break was over all the slots were full to teach in the fourth grade 
but there was a need in the cradle roll class. 
So I filled in there, and a few other ladies and I worked on developing the lessons from 

It was such a joy to have all the little ones in class. 
It took me back to when I taught our youngest son.

I moved up to another need. 

The 2 yr. old class. 

We had a table full of two-year-old little boys! 
They were so fun and we had a set of twins!
It was all a new adventure for me. 
They were so good and I loved every minute of it but was ready to move up to another class when the time came, and that is just what happened.
I moved up to teach Kindergarten and 1st grade, then the 2nd and 3rd, and then to finally reacquaint myself with the 4th and 5th once again.  And that is where I kind of landed and have stayed ever since. 

Who knew I would be teaching long enough to actually have had the same 2yr. olds in my 4th - 6th grade class on Sunday mornings! It was such a true joy to teach these guys again.  
Such great blessings!

Having been involved in a Future Teacher Training Camp as the Bible class visual aids teacher was a great delight and highlight in my life! In this program, Christian teen girls have the opportunity to gain spiritual knowledge and confidence as they take advantage of learning how to study and present topical and textual Bible lessons for children and women.   

I have also been involved, but lower-key, in teaching ladies and teen girls classes.

At Present

I love having the pleasure of being involved in the church with a congregation that sees the good in and has the ability to lavish upon their teachers, art supplies plus technology to help the Bible come alive for our students! The Word of God certainly paints an amazing picture but helping our students learn in more ways than just reading can be a tremendous help. 

I enjoy teaching our 3-4th graders on Sunday mornings and use most of the space available in the room to teach my students. Sometimes even the floor and many times hang things from the ceiling! 

Such rich blessings are found in all this process but one blessing I am so very pleased about is to have passed on my love for teaching to our daughter, Cassy Dee! I love it when she calls to tell me her latest brainstorm for a Bible lesson and how she is developing her visual aids, to discuss scripture, or how the class reacted to the Bible lesson.

I have had the pleasure of having a very supportive husband over the years, who has realized and supports my passion for teaching the Bible to children. 

With our children grown and on their own I have been blessed to be able to claim some space for a "Bible class closet" in which I store my personal visual aids. 

I have shared many ideas through Come Fill Your Cup by Mary Rose and Me, (which is now in book form), and am still sharing via Perk Up Your Bible Class

May we never take the freedoms we have in this country of worshipping God, meeting with our Christian family to commune with and be encouraged by them for granted, (Hebrews 10: 23-27) for it is something many have paid for with their lives. 
Let us take every advantage of this freedom to encourage our brethren young and old! 

My husband and I do love opening our home to teach the gospel to others and most always use the Ambassadors for Christ lesson series called Quest for Truth

It's my prayer that we as Bible teachers continue to abound in and teach God's Word. To impress upon soft hearts the truths God has laid out for us to live by. 

Many times I have gone to God in prayer and continue to ask Him to help me remember the things I have studied, to help me speak the truth, to help my students have good nights of sleep and good mornings. I pray for the parents, for other teachers preparing their lessons,...and the list goes on.  

May we continue to teach how God had a plan for His people before He laid the foundation of the earth, (Ephesians1:4) and how grateful we should be for that plan.

May we remain humble and continue to grow in His Word with our students.

To bring His Son into the world to die for the sins of the world to give us the opportunity to OBEY that gospel/good news that He so graciously has bestowed upon us.
(1 Corinthians 15:1-5; Romans 6; Galatians 3:27; 2 Thessalonians 1: 6-10; 1 John 1:5-10, 
Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 2:2)

One thing is for sure, today there is always room for more at the Lord's banquet table. 

I am so very thankful for God's grace that shows His loving-kindness and mercy toward me and others. 

About my light? 

Well, you can be sure it is there. 
And yes, growing. 

It began as a glimmer and may have flickered in times of discouragement.  
But with the encouragement of Christ, His Word, and my church family, my hunger has begun to be satisfied and with that my light seems somehow to have grown, if I may, 
into a beacon! 

God is my constant, always, and forever!

Matthew 28:19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 5:16
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. 

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Some Great Resource Links!

Hello and Welcome!

Some of my Favorite Resources!

Today I am sharing some of my favorite resources with you 
with hopes that you will find them useful in your Bible class preparation!

Clip Art / Visal Aids / Curriculum 

Kathy Petrillo
kids Bible class ideas

Teah and April
Free Printables, Bible class workshop, and store! 

Curriculum by Renee Hunter!

Lots of visual aids to download for free!

Lots of great teaching ideas Bible class lessons/visual aids

Lots of great teaching ideas and things to see!

Rhonda Wooten
Children's Bible Lessons with activities!

Hands on Bible Teacher
Lots of great teaching ideas! Workshop online!

Bible Songs and More!

Check out her Bible Materials!
A wonderful place to download free excellent visual aids

Free Bible Images with PowerPoint

Come Fill Your Cup 
Perk Up Your Kids' Bible Class 
With Kathy Petrillo and Gwen Schnell 
Finer Grounds Study Materials for Ladies!

Bible Mapper 

Philip Martin
Lots of free Bible clipart!

Barnes Bible Charts
Lots of wonderful free Bible Charts to Download!

Living Water Bible Games
Lots of great Bible games!

Church of Christ Children's Bible Class Teachers
Face book Bible class idea page!

Old/New Testament Library! Plus, more!

Palma Smiley
Early childhood curriculum!

Business link for Staples
Make a poster size visual aid and have it printed!

Shaping Hearts for God 

The Bible Revival
Dozens of images for visuals!

Wide variety of Bible-themed clip art and images

Some of the same art as the above sites, but some other images, too

Bible Study Resources

Christian evidences for all ages + free class materials!

Harmony of the Gospels

Bible Charts for preaching and teaching, church bulletin charts, sermons, 
Bible Study materials produced by Donnie Barnes, preacher in Red Boiling Springs, TN.

Bible quizzes and more produced by Jason Hilburn, preacher in Nesbit, MS.

"We believe that knowledge of the historical background of the Bible is essential 
to a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures.” 
So states the site and we agree. 
The site is denominational in origin, but the history is good.

Christian Book Distributors
Find books for less!

Computer Programs

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for Windows computers. 
Alternative to Adobe Photoshop. 3 is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, 
spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. Free alternative to Microsoft Office.

 "Put together a visual” software. Easy to learn and very powerful.

Logos Bible Study Program

Free alternative to PC Study Bible

Copyright Information

Please observe copyright rules in all printed materials AND on the Internet. 
This site will help you understand your rights and limitations.

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Tip of the Day - Junior Class Tips

Hello and Welcome!

- Tip of the Day -

Junior Class Tips -
Thank you Teah and April
  • This age is able to read passages from the Bible. Class should provide frequent practice finding passages in Bible class.
  • These students are able to handle outside assignments in completing lessons, memory work, etc. mostly on their own. Give extra credit opportunities!
  • They are beginning to think about their own salvation so application should be further
    developed. However, great caution should be taken not to push them to be baptized when they aren’t mature enough to understand the commitment.
  • Fewer and different kinds of visuals are needed, but do continue to use visuals such as detailed, realistic pictures. Maps are vital.
  • Add occasional “church songs” to regular Bible class songs. Teach the boys how to lead the songs (and prayers). As the authority in the class, the teacher may do so. However, girls shouldn’t lead in a mixed class so they have the pattern God established engrained in them.
  • Use instruction and discussion in class. Avoid taking class time with busy work (puzzle pages or merely filling out workbook)
  • These students are able to memorize long passages, even whole chapters. They should know books of Bible by divisions and writers. Teach them the reason for memorizing (“Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee” Psa. 119:11).
  • They are beginning to think independently. The why of a lesson or principle must be discussed.
  • Students may challenge the teacher’s authority. Stay firm, fair, and consistent.
  • Teach from an open Bible instead of reading from a teacher’s manual.

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Tip of the Day - Primary Class Tips!

Hello and Welcome!

- Tip of the Day! -

Primary Class Tips
Thank you Teah and April
  • This age is capable of learning more material than at any other age in life.
  • Lessons need to be in sequence and in greater detail than for younger ages.
  • They are still learning to read; they are not yet ready to read to learn.
  • They are still learning to write. Worksheets are not a good use of time; keep other writing to a minimum.
  • These students still desire to please teacher.
  • Teach the boys how to lead the prayers and/or songs. As the authority in the class, the teacher may do so. However, little girls should not lead in a mixed class so they have the pattern God established engrained in their understanding.
  • Books of the Bible should be practiced regularly.
  • Assign memory work weekly but take care not to overload younger ones. Assigning pieces of verses to younger ones while expecting whole passages from older ones is allowed!
  • Use visuals to help them learn the memory work in class. This helps students remember the memory work better during the week. It also helps them understand the meaning so they learn to quote Scripture properly.
  • Alter the routine to develop longer attention spans and prevent boredom.
  • This age loves to play Bible games for review. Encourage good sportsmanship.
  • Youngest are not ready to do outside assignments without parental involvement.
  • Expect them to bring a Bible of their own to every class session. If child is not given a Bible at home, give him one yourself or ask the congregation
  • Maps are necessary for this age. Use color maps with easy-to-read labeling.
  • This age thrives on recognition of achievement. 
  • The widest variety of visuals may be used for this age so vary your materials often! Keep attendance and memory work charts. Require them to EARN rewards. Giving freebies is counterproductive and not in keeping with Matthew 7:21.
  • This age loves to share tales from their week. Enforce a “bell to bell is Bible class” policy. Be sure to listen outside of class so students know you care.
  • Teach from an open Bible. Continually remind students that the lesson is real and from God’s Word.

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Free resources, visual aids for sale, teacher training workshops,

Tip of the Day - Preschool Class Tips

Hello and Welcome!

- Tip of the Day - 

Preschool Class Tips
Thank you Teah and April
  • Expect these students to sit still, follow directions, participate with the group, etc.
  • This age is excellent at memorizing lists.
  • They recognize most if not all ABCs so a list made with letters is exciting.
  • This age particularly wants to please the teacher.
  • They do not like change. Routine is still important.
  • Learning is fun to him. There is almost no limit to what he can learn if it is put on his level.
  • Review stories for several weeks to make them permanent in memory.
  • Flash cards with pictures make a good review tool.
  • Sing songs that tell stories and teach facts.
  • Fill their hearts with a Bible story instead of their hands with a craft.
  • Tell the story with passion. Tell it more than once per class with a variety of visuals.
  • Ask questions, listen to their retelling, etc., to review and gauge students’ understanding.
  • Attendance or memory work charts are important to this age. Keep charts of their achievements on the wall so they can add stickers, etc.
  • Visualized verses help them “see” the verse. Students are able to learn many verses this way.
  • Application of lessons usually needs to be only a sentence or two. It does not always need to  be a grand activity of its own. Use situations and people that are real to them instead of a made-up story.
  • Teach from an open Bible. Continually remind students that the lesson is real and from God’s Word.
  • Teach the boys how to lead the prayers and/or songs. As the authority in the class, the teacher may do so. However, little girls should not lead in a mixed class so they have the pattern God established engrained in their understanding.

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Tip of the Day - Toddler Class Tips

Hello and Welcome! 

- Tip of the Day! -

Toddler Class Tips
Thank you Teah and April
  • Routine is very important.
  • Visuals are VERY important, but toddlers can be easily overwhelmed visually. Find the right balance.
  • Larger pictures are better than smaller ones. Poster-size images make a great option for review.
  • Felts, stick figures, and pictures with less detail are some good visuals aids for this group.
  • Consider short attention spans. Break up time into variety of short activities: listening to the lesson, answering simple questions, singing songs, etc.
  • Repeat story at least two times in every class period and tell it several weeks in a row tying the lessons together as much as possible.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary.
  • Have children repeat names of people and places. Challenge them to say big words like “Testament” or “Jochebed.”
  • This age is able to memorize short verses (“Thy word is truth”) and phrases and begins to memorize the books of the Bible.
  • Don’t give in to misbehavior. Never cede control. You aren’t likely to get it back again.
  • A student who misbehaves for attention should be seated right next to the teacher. When he misbehaves, a discrete action can settle the matter without drawing other’s attention to the misbehavior.
  • Use positive reinforcement for good behavior; don’t reinforce bad behavior by giving constant attention to that child.
  • Don’t give him a choice when it matters which choice he makes.
  • Don’t allow them to keep toys, blankets, etc. at the table with them. Use a Teacher’s Treasure box for students to place their items in. Teacher protects them-- no one may take anything out that doesn’t belong to him--and returns them to the child as he leaves class.
  • Don’t move to the floor for “storytime.” Curling up on the floor gives excuse to get lazy mentally. It is much easier to keep control when students sit in chairs at the table.
  • Use simplest versions of maps. Only place(s) being discussed should be labeled.
  • Use WordArt to make important words recognizable so they can “read.”
  • Teach them how to sit still and participate properly. Use expectation and praise for proper behavior. Explain that they are practicing to be grown up.
  • Teach from an open Bible. Continually remind students that the lesson is real and from God’s Word.
  • Teach the boys how to lead the prayers and/or songs. As the authority in the class, the teacher may do so. However, little girls should not lead in a mixed class so they have the pattern God established engrained in their understanding.
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Tip of the Day - Cradle Roll Tips!

Hello and Welcome!

- Tip of the Day! -

Teaching ideas: Cradle-Roll
Thank you Teah and April

  • Don't stop singing ever. Even when you have to pick one up to calm him, keep going with class for all the rest. The singing even helps calm the one you pick up.
  • Touch often. Reach their hands and sometimes even their feet. Stay in contact.
  • For those that can touch and hold objects, be sure they have something rotating in and out of their hands very frequently. Give them something to hold but move it often before it becomes a chew toy. And for those that aren't holding yet, still put the object on the table in front of them and watch them progress from week to week as they start reaching.
  • You can even teach a sleeping baby. Just let him sleep while you or a helper holds him or just let him sleep in a jumper seat or car seat. They are hearing the songs, too!
  • Never use instrumental music in class. It is unauthorized in worship. Why start the little ones out hearing something wrong? Consider the adults who are in the room!
  • Change volume and tempo to maintain interest or to help regain a baby’s attention.
  • Be sure to keep bright visuals in front of them at all times and moving to keep their attention especially for the little ones that can't "hold on to an object" yet. Be sure to move them close enough so they can see. Their eyes don't focus as well at a distance. Move visuals in front of each student to catch the attention. Have a visual in both hands if you have more students so you can show more at a time.
  • Praise them often for "sharing" or for "being a helper" when they can put the toy back in the container you pass around for them to help. You will have to  help them sweetly to let go of the object and then thank them—for that is how they learn.
  • As they learn to make noises in their way of talking, teach them words. Use single, focused words in your conversation, like "Bible" Ex. Sing Books  Books  and at the end where they hold up their Bible and say Bible, repeat "Bible" several times with lots of expression and if they try to make sounds, tell them "YAY... you said Bible!!!! " and keep going. (By the way, help them hold up their Bibles until they get to where they can and will do it for themselves.)
  • Know that some days, even the best child will be stubborn and not do or say or sing with you. Just keep going and don't wait for them. Don't ever let them "stall" your Bible class. If they are being ugly, don't show items to them or let them hold things. Just act like they aren't there and keep going.
  • Routine is extremely important. Sing the same songs at the same place in the lesson. As the babies get older, you can take one song out and add another one (ex. use giraffe instead of horse). As they get even older, slowly reduce the creation lesson—always keeping enough to maintain the routine—and add more Jesus songs or Noah songs. In other words, expand the content but keep enough of the familiar that the babies are comfortable.
    • Use lots of variety in the kinds of visuals - flat pictures, felts, plastic fruits, puppet animals, plastic animals, things hanging from ceiling, wind up objects, Little Bibles, small babies wrapped tightly in cloth, Fisher Price family set, etc. Think variety!!!
    • You may have a wide variety of ages in one nursery class. Be aware of the developmental differences; there is a big difference in a 2-month old and an 18-month old!
    • Maintain an upbeat attitude and keep smiling! Babies will pick up on your emotional state. If you are “down in the dumps,” or angry or impatient, the babies will pick up on that and class time will be a disaster.

Helper ideas:
  • This is a Bible class, not a visiting hour. Do not visit with other adults in the room.
  • Learn to sing the songs with the teacher.
  • Don’t try to “help” too much or take over teacher’s class. Always give the teacher the right to settle the baby first and then ask your help if needed.
  • If a child simply WILL NOT settle or there is an obvious health issue developing, take the baby to the mother. She needs to know she can trust you to do this. Be aware that with a trained teacher and/or efficient helper, this is rarely necessary.
  • IF you change diapers before giving babies back to Mom for worship; promote modesty.
  • Be sure to  dispose of soiled diapers properly to keep lingering odors from developing.
  • Wear tunic or apron to protect your clothing.
  • Don’t allow a baby with a fever or obvious illness to come to class.

Practical matters:
  • Strap the babies in to the seats or use old men’s ties to tie them into a chair. If a mother objects, explain that it is for their safety just like strapping them into a car seat.
  • Cleanliness cannot be over-emphasized. When class is over, EVERYTHING that the babies touched must be wiped with Clorox wipes. Don’t forget the surface of the table and the chairs as well.
  • Teachers and helpers should wash hands before holding babies and use sanitizer as needed.
  • Be cautious in the choice of objects for babies to hold. Be aware of sharp edges, choking hazards (loose pieces, etc.), lead paint, etc.
  • When it comes to feeding a baby in class, each situation has to be evaluated individually. Babies aren't machines (i.e.,  perfectly regulated) so you have to be sensitive to their real needs. Sometimes, a mother will start to make a practice of needing to feed her baby in class. Try to re-train that mom by helping her understand that you are conducting a Bible class and if she will feed baby before coming, you will be better able to do so.
  • Stretch out an anxious child as long as possible. Don't automatically think that fidgety requires feeding. Don't reward tears with food. Do everything you can to keep him happy and, if not possible, get mom to take baby out to feed.
  • Never under any circumstances should you give the baby anything other than what his mother brought for him. Especially avoid honey or anything with nut oils.

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